How many qualified in pgecet 2017

In the engineering entrance exam, a total number of 14, candidates were men, of which 13, qualified, while the women were 8, out of which 8, candidates qualified.

The qualifying percentage for women and men is roughly the same. For the first time in AU history, six candidates appeared for the entrance exam in the separate gender category and 4 of them qualified.

In the pharmaceutical stream, there was no listing of any transgenders. The number of female candidates who had appeared was a lot more than the male candidates. The number of female candidates who appeared for the examination was 3, out of which 2, qualified. The number of male candidates was 2, out of which 1, qualified. There was also a marked difference in qualification in percentage terms.

While While the total number of colleges offering MTech in the state is , seats available are 27, However, the number of colleges offering pharma and related courses is 81 and the number of seats available are 2, The district-wise percentages showed that the maximum number and percentage of candidates who qualified were from Vizag with 3, candidates out of 3, candidates qualifying for both engineering and pharma streams, with a total pass percentage of Facebook Twitter Linkedin EMail.

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