How many words in the importance of being earnest
She whispered the infamous line 'Handbag? Porfidio Arze Teacher. Is The Importance of Being Earnest public domain? The importance of Being Earnest is in public domain , here is a link to a free ebook from Project Guttenberg.
There are not a lot of sites dedicated to public domain plays where is the money in that pun intended but if you look for plays written before , you're usually in the clear. Debbra Kachainik Teacher. Is The Importance of Being Earnest a melodrama?
However, the play cannot be characterized as a melodrama because -- though it has exaggerated characters and some exciting events -- it is not intended to appeal to the audience's emotions. Vasilina Illjes Reviewer. When was the importance of being earnest first performed? February 14, Andima Juancotonera Reviewer. Are Jack and Gwendolen cousins? Since Algernon is the cousin of Gwendolen and the brother of Jack , it is then true that Gwendolen and Jack are, indeed, cousins.
Artemio Offelnotto Reviewer. Why do Gwendolen and Cecily want to marry an earnest? Both Gwendolen and Cecily want to marry a man called Ernest , so it is important for Jack and Algernon to be named Ernest.
ALSO earnest means honest, so the title stresses the importance of being honest, which Jack and Algy are not. Alexa Chepchyak Reviewer. What is ironic about Lady Bracknell saying to speak frankly?
What is ironic about Lady Bracknell saying , "To speak frankly , I am not in favor of long engagements. They give people the opportunity of finding out each other's character before marriage, which I think is never advisable" p. Ask A Question. Co-authors: Updated On: 3rd March, Views: Practice Answer a few questions on each word. Get one wrong? We'll ask some follow-up questions. Use it to prep for your next quiz! The room is luxuriously and artistically furnished.
As far as the piano is concerned, sentiment is my forte. Algernon is both punning and ironical here because "forte" is a direction in music that means to play loudly, which he did, but he did not play the piano well, so it is not his forte.
Additionally, the sentence is a reversal of the purpose of a musical direction, since the volume in which one plays often emphasizes emotions, but Algernon declares that his special, tenderly romantic emotions are what direct him in his inaccurate but worth-hearing piano-playing.
I attribute it to the superior quality of the wine, sir. I have often observed that in married households the champagne is rarely of a first-rate brand. In blaming marriage for the decreased quality of champagne thus attributing the good supply of liquor to Algernon's bachelorhood , Lane diverts his employer's attention away from the fact that he and other servants drank several bottles. Here, and later when he lies to prevent his employer from getting in trouble with his aunt about the missing cucumber sandwiches, Lane shows an attribute "a construct distinguishing objects or individuals" of agreeable cleverness.
I have only been married once. That was in consequence of a misunderstanding between myself and a young person. When one is in town one amuses oneself. When one is in the country one amuses other people. It is excessively boring. The absence from the play of action with any real moral content means, on the one hand, that there is never really very much at stake one way or the other in the world of the play. What picture of his life and marriage do we get from the things she and Gwendolen say about him?
He seems to be the victim of a kind of abstract domestic abuse—ignored, unconsidered, hidden away, and relegated to the status of an idiot or invalid child. Lord Bracknell seems to lead the life of a recluse and to have taken refuge from his domineering wife and daughter in a chronic invalidism. A play differs from a novel or film in that it requires a performance by live actors pretending to be characters they are not before a live audience that allows itself to be fooled.
What is gained by the fact that The Importance of Being Earnest was written as a play?